First, a little about me. I'm only 21, but I have been through a lot in my 21 years of life. I'd like to believe that all my past struggles were meant to help me help others in similar situations. I'm married and I have a 2 year old son that I love more than anything and a husband that is there for me through thick and thin. I've got two older brothers that are not exactly walking the strait and narrow and two younger that I hope to be able to inspire to lead better lives. I'm not perfect. I'm sure we all can admit to that. But I want to get as close as I can to it and help others do the same. This is in no way a religious blog, but being a religious person myself, I'm bound to say some religious things sometimes. Please don't take offense, it's just what I believe in and it's totally ok if your disagree.
The original title of my blog site was going to be "Be Above Society". But then I thought about it, and although we really do need to shake a lot of "modern society" out of our systems, what would be even better is to reshape society instead. How can we really improve our own lives without also improving others'? So I'm going to talk (with a chance of ranting) about small and big changes we can all make to better our own lives, and hopefully someone else's in the process. I don't care about my blog stats or popularity, because as long as one person reads this and changes for the better, I'm doing a heck of a lot better than if I were doing nothing. I know I'm not perfect and neither are you, so lets try to get there together.
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